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Sxboy_66 11:34 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Everyone has different reasons for working hard. Some thrive on it.

The smart ones strive for a work/life balance that works for them. Again, that balance is different for everyone and depends on their personal circumstances. (i.e wife, kids, debt, etc.)

I've taken the whole of December off because I've worked hard all year, 6 days a week, only one short holiday, smashed the crap out of my budget which was done by August, worked just as hard the last 3 months to earn myself a very healthy year end bonus, and don't see the point in working this month to try to squeeze a bit more.

I've made enough, have a lovely bit of time off, and have paid to take the whole family away for Christmas.

It works for me, my family, and my business and that's all that matters to me.

overbyyer 11:38 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
A Mercedes by 40
A coronary by 50

Forgotten by 60

AnotherDay_SameShit 11:44 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
66 - Blah blah blah..

BRANDED 11:44 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
The key is finding a creed that you love and that pays a shit load. That's the key.

BRANDED 11:45 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Like the Nicene Creed

Sxboy_66 11:47 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...

AnotherDay_SameShit 11:44 Tue Dec 2


Ridikzappa 11:53 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Patrick Bateman: There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction.

But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory.

And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.

whu&eng1 12:01 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Sxboy_66 good for you mate.. what do you do ?

Sxboy_66 12:18 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
whu&eng - Holiday Parks mate. Started with one in 2008, we've now got 3, plus 6 more that we manage for the owners and we have bid to buy another group of parks early next year which is looking good.

I've worked my bollocks off for 7 years to get to the point where I can start to enjoy life more than I've enjoyed work, but it's been worth it. Although it appears some would think I've been a mug working so hard for all those years I know that I'd rather be in my shoes than theirs as I approach 50.

Brussels Sprout 12:40 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Which grad scheme did you try out for, CAPSIE?

dicksie3 1:05 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...

I actually did sign-up to a graduate scheme with Royal Mail - they stick you in HR, Finance, IT or whatever best-suited you - but I was far, far too lazy for all that kind of shit and doing professional qualifications at that age...

Doing half-arsed application/systems support work in the Public Sector is far more up my street...

*Cracks-open can of coke and sticks feet-up on desk*

Joe C 1:09 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Someone's been denied a promotion then?

dicksie3 1:48 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Huh?... I'm talking about being a head of department at aged 30... Do you fall into that camp?... If so, you're a boring cunt... An absolute dullard, boring, fucking brown-nosing, soulless cunt...

Hope you enjoy your fatigue-related death at the steering-wheel aged 43... Or, if you survive that, your mental breakdown and stress-induced heart-attack aged 47...

But, so long as you LIVED TO WORK - THE CAPITALIST DREAM; then that's all that matters...

Joe C 1:50 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
You could have just said yes dicksie

dicksie3 1:52 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Only got offered the dish washer manager's job... :-(

And I have to use my tongue... :`-(

Brussels Sprout 1:53 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
dicksie3 1:05 Tue Dec 2

So, they kicked you out because you were not delivering? ;)

Joe C 1:53 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...

After8 5:15 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Doing half-arsed application/systems support work in the Public Sector is far more up my street...

*Cracks-open can of coke and sticks feet-up on desk*

Get back to work you lazy shit, we are paying for you.

WHOicidal Maniac 5:21 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
To get ahead in my company you literally have to do a days unpaid overtime a week to show good will to the company. All the Department managers are unmarried and all under 30, they have no life at all.

One of my co-workers went to tell a manager that their sitter had fallen through and couldnt get another at short notice so needed to go home an hour early, the manager's response was "Your commitment to this company is appalling and you need to sort your priorities out"

They all look like death warmed up too...

gph 5:37 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
I can't work out if Google is geek heaven, or an updated sweatshop.

chad sexington 6:15 Tue Dec 2
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Career over family/friendship/enjoying life = cunt.

Having been that person I certainly was one. Took family tragedy to wake me up to it

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